Fixed vs Removable
Aligners - The Future of Orthodontics

Advancements in orthodontic technology, such as 3D imaging, digital treatment planning, and computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM), have revolutionized orthodontic procedures. These technological innovations have made treatment more precise, efficient, and comfortable for patients, leading to increased acceptance and demand for orthodontic services.

Orthodontics will feature prominently for the Future of Dentistry

Orthodontic treatment is no longer limited to children and teenagers. More adults are seeking orthodontic solutions to address long-standing issues or improve their smiles later in life. This growing demand for adult orthodontics reflects the evolving perception of orthodontic treatment as a viable option for individuals of all ages.

While the field of dentistry continues to evolve, orthodontics is expected to maintain its significance due to its ability to enhance both aesthetics and function. Technological advancements and changing patient demographics contribute to the continued prominence of orthodontics in the future of dentistry.

Enhance and Extend your dental career with Digital Orthodontics

Digital orthodontics, which involves the use of advanced technology such as digital imaging, computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM), and 3D printing, is indeed an area of dentistry that is expected to grow in the future.

As well as the clinical advances AOS's approach places significant emphasis on setting up and building up your digital asset on a sound foundation in information technology.

AOS's approach is scalable. The AOS foundation system is built upon Dr Michael Ho's computer science background and the understanding of the fundamental importance of information technology. It is the reason that as the orthodontic component of your practice grows the system can and will scale up with you.

AOS will impart to you the skill set, your digital assets to build upon your knowledge. Your orthodontic skills will get better with age.

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